Rob Seeman Agency LLC 608-757-4372
Rob Seeman Agency LLC  608-757-4372

Customer Testimonials

"I used to have so many different types of insurance that I lost track of them all. With Rob Seeman Agency LLC, I have now found the right types of insurance for me. It's great how you can save money so easily and still be properly covered."


"After our first friendly consultation, I knew that I was in expert hands with Rob Seeman Agency LLC and I will take out the right types of insurance for my family in the future."

Client Services






Discover the advantages of insuring with Rob Seeman Agency LLC.

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Great Insurance Coverage AND Affordable Rates... Our clients get both.


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Use our Contact Form



Rob Seeman:



John Foster:



Brittany Scott:





We would love to

answer any questions

you have.

Report a Claim


Acuity 1-800-242-7666


Integrity 1-800-445-3030


Hanover 1-800-628-0250


Wilson 1-800-242-7708


Progressive 1-800-925-2886


Travelers 1-800-252-4633


Mt Morris 1-877-228-4199


You may also want to request a quote. If so, please call us @  (608) 757-4372.

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